Environmental Education 4 Adults

Specialists in Climate and Environmental Education for Adults
We are experienced educators who have been trying out new ways to engage communities starting from where people are.
We have flexible learning approaches that work within communities, workplaces and adult/further education settings.

Call us: +44 7876063157

Work with Community Centres

Some of our most ground breaking work has been in community centres. We work with people in a place they already feel comfortable in, alongside people they already know. Through education, advice and empowerment, we support people to take action on the climate and ecological crisis starting with what is relevant to them, ie. energy use.
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Green Advocate Training

Tired of standing behind a table laden with environmental leaflets and being ignored?
We have devised and tested a simple 4 minute activity to engage people in conversation about climate and ecological issues, and encourage them to take action on both an individual and collective level. We can train you and your group in becoming compelling/ effective green advocates.
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Greening your Organisation

We work with organisations to involve and motivate staff to help make their workplaces more sustainable. Starting with the issues that staff themselves identify as important, a culture of can do is fostered, leading to wide reaching change.
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Lesson Plans for Adult Learning
All of our workshop and lesson plans are based on recognised good practice in adult education and have been tried and tested.
We have lesson plans ranging from  Ecology workshops, Energy management and saving energy in the home to How to keep money circulating in your local community.
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