In particular it was suggested that the centre needded to compost the waste from the cafe. A proposal to buy a hotbin was included in the presentation made to the management committee, and it was agreed to both buy a hotbin and to fundraise for an energy audit to be done of the building.
Then leads to work with a visually impaired group on micro green growing, how to recycle and the science of climate change..
After the success of the Green Actions workshop the centre managers asked for it to be adapted for the Visually Impaired Group who meet weekly. Other workshops were then requested by the group such as Recycling and Microgreen growing.
The microgreen growing then developed into a masterclass for the centre staff and volunteers on designing a vertical veg garden for the centre.
And back to energy..
The energy auditor identified where the thermostat to control the heating for the upstairs in the building was located. This has resulted in big energy savings for the community centre, and much more comfortable rooms! In November 2019 their gas bill was reduced from £700 to £500.